Saturday 5 March 2011

So where do horse come from?

 Believe it or not, horses have been around for the past 55 million years! However, the horse of 55 million years ago is a bit different then today's modern horse.

His name was eohippus ( the dawn horse) and he was not much bigger then a house cat.
Thees horses were small and dog like. They lived in dense forest and would brows on shrubs and fruit plants. They were not the hay burners of today, grass had not yet evolved and most of the world was covered in forest. This tiny horse would be the four runner of the horses we see today.

So how did we get big horses from such a small animal?

 The world became hotter and dryer, were there was once Forest there was now vast open plans. Eohippus would have needed to adapt to the new world. They became lager, the eyes had changed position for a wider field of view their teeth became better adapted to grass and were they once had multiple toes they now had a signal hoof.

So what is a natural horse??

" In a horses natural state, he has no saddle and carries no rider"